You should start your marketing journey with Connections by configuring your shop content. Navigate to the Connections application and select the Settings | Content menu:
You should first enter your Store information in the Store Details section. This information will be used for your marketing campaigns. If you would like a logo to be attached to your email connections, you may upload it here. All logo images should be in the format .png or .jpg and no larger than 150x150 pixels.
The next section, Social Media LInks, allows you to enter any social media business site URLs that you own. Enter the exact URL which you can copy from the browser address bar when you navigate to your business page. These URLs will be sent with your connections.
Next, set the Conversion Rate for your performance calculations.
Conversion settings determine how Connections calculates your conversion rate. A conversion is defined as a product sale after a connection is sent for that product. The time between the connection and the sale in days is your conversion factor. By default, the conversion factor is 14 days. Setting the conversion factor to a lower number of days may lower your conversion rate.
Finally, you may turn the Connection's tag line on or off. This tag line appears on connections if it is not turned off. This option is only available on paid plans.